Top 10k strings from ZxZvm v1.03 +3 (1999)(John Elliot).dsk
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [DSK] /
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31 Track-Info 4 uNot a ZXZVM savefile 4 ZZZZ[X_PPP 4 Operation abandoned 4 MINIZORKZ3 3 savefile) to reproduce it. 3 saved positions can be loaded by 3 saved position file has changed 3 previous versions, though old 3 pretending to be a Commodore 3 in this version of ZXZVM. 3 giving me enough information 3 games (except the four 3 format are supported. All known 3 currently 7 (ie, ZXZVM is 3 ZXZVM, please let me know, 3 ZXZVM is restarting... 3 The story is loading... 3 The interpreter number is 3 Thanks to: 3 Story file: $ 3 Positions saved with this 3 It does support: 3 If you manage to find a bug in 3 IMPORTANT: The format of the 3 A Story format 000A Spectrum +3 require 3 A No ZXFDOS function 00 3 * Unicode support. 3 * Timed input to within 1/10 3 * The graphics font (no. 3) 3 * Support for v6 and v7 games. 3 * Support for v1, v2 and v4 3 * Support for setting the Tandy 3 * No sounds other than a beep. 3 * No Unicode support. 3 * No UNDO command (a memory 3 * Graham Nelson and those who 3 * Accented characters for 3 (possibly in the form of a 3 "Graphical" games) are available 3 the Spectrum version; the 3 specification. 3 output. Accented characters 3 interpreter number already in 3 fact, you can set the 3 deduced the Z-machine 3 constraint). 3 command is POKE 28675,n. 3 cannot be entered. 3 bit and interpreter number. In 3 Acknowledgements 3 ================ 2 with Graham Nelson's compiler 2 wider than they should. 2 while playing any game! 2 well known Zork game (this was 2 versions are not compatible with 2 those games produced by Infocom 2 this version. 2 this is a Z-machine version of 2 themselves, and games produced 2 them separately. 2 the classic Mad Bomber arcade 2 the TAP file. You must download 2 tWARNING: This story file has attempted to access object 0. 2 program which simulates a 2 ported to Z-code by Ricardo 2 play adventure games in the 2 of the Z-Machine Standards 2 of games in these formats may be 2 machine for adventure games, 2 interprets such tricky code). 2 in the late 1980s (running under 2 in one of these formats. A lot 2 in fact cassette version of Zork 2 if-archiveXgamesXzcode.html 2 2 games is wrong; quips come out 2 game, by Neil James Brown. This 2 game is included here to show 2 for Commodore 64). 2 does not implement Unicode 2 developed strictly as virtual 2 conversation with a psychiatrist 2 compliance with it, because it 2 are also included: 2 an updated version of the story file. 2 ZXZVM was written to version 1.0 2 ZXZVM v1.03 +3 Copyright 1998-9 by John Elliott 2 ZXZVM savefile 2 ZXZVM is an Infocom interpreter. 2 Warning: Property not found!$ 2 Versions 3, 5 and 8 of the 2 There is no any sample files on 2 The text formatting in the 2 The story file may behave unpredictably, or you may need 2 The save-file format is not 2 Siblings: $ 2 README TXT 2 Please insert the disc for Z: and press ENTER 2 PIRATE Z5 2 On the DSK file 3 demo Z-files 2 O Stream 3 nestin 2 Mystery Science Theater(sic) 2 MiniZork: A reduced version of 2 Infocom format; these include 2 Illegal instruction at PC=000000 : opcode = 00 2 I had played a few Infocom games 2 Filename> $ 2 Essentially, it allows you to 2 Eliza: A version of well known 2 Document. It does not claim 2 Do not remove the game disc 2 Children: $ 2 CP/M on a ghastly Amstrad) 2 Bomber: Although Z-machine is 2 A Bad ERASE_WINDO 2 128). The version is 'G'. 2 0123456789.,!?_#'"/\-:() ******0123456789.,!?_#'"/\<-:()= 2 -- Graham Nelson, in XYZZYnews 1 2 +3DOS error 00000 2 + Run the .DSK file in a +3 2 * Those on the Z-machine mailing 2 * Support for the "multiple 2 * No bold text nor font colours. 2 * John Holder and the authors 2 * Jacob Nevins, Garry Lancaster 2 * Erik Kunze and the authors of 2 * Cliff Lawson and Richard 2 * A .TAP file 2 * A .DSK file 2 %y*-x|/g}/o7 2 $$$<$$@@Gt 2 "zxzvm.bin" 2 "zxio.bin" 2 Z-machine for the Spectrum +3 2 ============================= 2 ============================ 2 *****abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *****ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ****** 2 (both positive and negative) 2 will create a copy of ZXZVM on 2 under which ZXZVM was 2 the disc. 2 the Jzip source code. 2 of Jzip; several routines in 2 list, for general advice. 2 emulator (or copy it on real 2 discs" header bit; this would 2 developed. 2 bugs to my notice. 2 blank disk (or DSK file). It 2 been fixed. 2 and Zeljko Juric, for bringing 2 allow bigger games to be 2 XZX, the Spectrum emulator 2 Wildey, for PCW16 programming 2 +3) then load ZXZVM.BAS file 2 +3 or PCW8256. 2 Bug fixes and enhancements 2 ========================== 2 ====================== 2 (in order of priority) 2 Loading ZXZVM 2 ============= 2 in this version 2 The Wish List 2 Known bugs 2 ========== 2 Features 1 ~"Q"V"Y"a"n" 1 }Vua>wVua>6^ 1 welldone interpreters can 1 versions are not compatib 1 this versi ZXZVM v1.02 1 t Expected $ 1 t Locals $* 1 servers, a number of HTTP 1 quality of the interpreter (only 1 quality of the interpreter 1 o an unexpanded 1 not compress the saved data. 1 mirrors are also avaliable, 1 in one of these formats. 1 1 games/zcode 1 full v3/v5/v8 Z-machine, except: 1 1 found at FTP server with URL: 1 found and downloaded using HTTP 1 for example: 1 does not compress the saved 1 compatible with Quetzal and does 1 compatible with Quetzal and 1 b:curses.z5 1 `:k:ne@cUV> 1 ZXZVM v1.02 +3 Copyright 1998-9 by John Elliott 1 ZXZVM is supplied as: 1 ZXZVM attempts to emulate a full v3/v5/v8 Z-machine, except: 1 ZXZVM attempts to emulate a 1 ZXZVM BIN 1 ZXZVM BAS 1 ZXIO BIN 1 ZXIO BAK 1 You should never see this message! 1 UZ[\]^_`abcd 1 The Mad Bomber 1 READ ME 1 Press SPACE to finish 1 P456789:;<= 1 Or, if you don't like FTP 1 OTrack-Info 1 NZNZN~M4MaO 1 NT]+:@LG:?L 1 Memory write has failed! HL=$ 1 MZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZN 1 MV - CPCEMU Disk-File 1 K-x!1x:Mx=(` 1 Invalid property at PC=000000 Object 0000 property 00 1 HTrack-Info 1 ELIZA Z5 1 Dz+z+z+z0z0zDzDz5z 1 Division by zero at PC=000000 1 DVLAND Z5 1 DISK 1 Caller PC=000000 Call type=00 Routine sp=0000 params 00 1 BOMBER Z5 1 ATrack-Info 1 A2?L2@LG:<L 1 A Version mismatc 1 A Illegal instructio 1 @:?L<2?L2@L 1 @0MXNZNZNZNZNZN 1 >?@ABCDEFGHIJKLM 1 ;jPLUS3DOS 1 :;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI 1 9 Stub encountere 1 4 Out of stac 1 4 Memory test faile 1 3-323=3H4&3M3r3 1 2mD:nD<2nD7 1 2kD:lD<2lD 1 2jD2kD2lD2mD2nD> 1 2\[Track-Info 1 2ZD:[D<2[D7 1 2XD:YD<2YD 1 2WD2XD2YD2ZD2[D> 1 2Track-Info 1 2 Property not foun 1 14ra(!eRV* 1 128). The version is 3, 5 and 8 of the 1 /if-archiveXinfocomXgames.html 1 /999/9999 1 + Run the .TAPTrack-Info 1 + Run the .TAP file and insert a 1 *+,-./0123456789 1 * The screen size is reported 1 * Single-drive computers can now 1 * John Holder and the authors of 1 * If a message was stored just 1 * Graphics characters can be 1 * A bug where long lines of 1 * A bug in clearing a window has 1 )yTrack-Info 1 )y:-xG:1xO 1 (only welldone interpreters can 1 &c*`#2*)zF> 1 &%Track-Info 1 &%&2&7&C&\&a 1 %,%5%<%C%F%I%L%Q%]%`%h%m%p%s% 1 $[End of stack] 1 $A Story type 000 1 $6 Division by zer 1 $1$4$9$>$C$F$N$V$]$j$u$ 1 $0000$Z-machine stack trace: 1 #G#L#U#\#_#b#n# 1 "zxzvm.bas" 1 "readme.txt" 1 "load"""" for more info...": 1 "ZD:?LG*:L# 1 "Story file >"; 1 file and insert a 1 -compiled from 1 !"#$%&'() 1 to start the Z-machine. 1 to start Z-machine. 1 text could be truncated has 1 squeezed into an unexpanded +3 1 squeezed into an unexpanded 1 save positions to the notional 1 possible for it not to print 1 or PCW8256. 1 line of text. 1 included in the middle of a 1 correctly now (noticed in 1 correctly (for example, in The 1 before Z-address 64k, it was 1 ZXZVM is supplied as: 1 ZXZVM are handTrack-Info 1 ZXZVM are hand-compiled from 1 ZXZVM are hand 1 SameGame). 1 Jzip; several routines in 1 B: drive. 1 Awakening). This has now been 1 John Elliott, 4-6-1999 1 John Elliott, 1-5-1999 1 ZXZVM v1.03